Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

What is Konnected Concepts?

Konnected Concepts is a Wireless Connectivity and IoT company. We are dedicated to delivering innovative solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. Konnected Concepts is your trusted partner in navigating the ever-evolving world of wireless technology.

What Services Does Konnected Concepts Offer?

Konnected Concepts specializes in Fixed Wireless Access (WaaS), POTS Replacements (POTSup™), and Managed Services. We cater to businesses of all sizes, including those in rural areas, while ensuring high-quality and reliable service across all our offerings.

How Long Has Konnected Concepts Been in Business?

Konnected Concepts has been providing top-notch wireless connectivity services for 8 years. Over this period, we've built a reputation for excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction in the telecommunications sector.

What Makes Konnected Concepts Different from Competitors?

We differentiate ourselves through our commitment to customer service, our focus on cutting-edge technology solutions, and our comprehensive range of services. Our team's expertise and personalized approach to each client's needs set us apart in the market.

How Does Konnected Concepts Ensure the Quality of Service?

Quality is our top priority. We ensure this through rigorous testing, continuous training of our staff, and staying updated with the latest technology trends. We also actively seek customer feedback to improve and tailor our services to meet the highest standards.

Can Konnected Concepts Handle Large-Scale Projects?

Absolutely. Our team is equipped to manage large-scale projects with efficiency and expertise. We have a track record of successfully handling extensive projects, ensuring timely delivery without compromising on quality.

What Support Services Does Your Company Offer?

We offer comprehensive support services including 24/7 customer support, on-site assistance, and remote troubleshooting. Our dedicated support team is always ready to help clients with any issues or queries.

How Does Konnected Concepts Stay Ahead in Technology Trends?

We stay ahead by continuously investing in research and development, attending industry events, and collaborating with technology leaders. This keeps us at the forefront of emerging trends and innovations.

What is Konnected Concepts' Approach to Client Relationships?

Our approach is centered on building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in open communication, understanding their unique needs, and providing customized solutions that add value to their operations.

How Can I Get Started with Your Services?

Getting started is easy. You can contact us through our website, phone, or email. Our team will then work closely with your company to understand your requirements and provide the best possible solution.

Fixed Wireless Access

What is Fixed Wireless Access?

FWA is a broadband internet service that uses radio frequency bands to connect a fixed location to the internet, as opposed to wired connections like fiber or cable. It typically involves a small device such as a modem/router installed at the user's location, which communicates with a nearby base station.

How does FWA differ from traditional broadband or mobile internet?

Unlike traditional broadband that requires physical wiring (like DSL, cable, or fiber), FWA uses wireless signals. It's different from mobile internet in that it's designed to provide service to a fixed location, offering generally more stable and faster connections than mobile networks, which are designed for roaming users.

What are the advantages of FWA?

FWA can be deployed quickly and is often more cost-effective in rural or hard-to-reach areas where laying cables is not feasible or too expensive. It offers high-speed internet with relatively low latency, making it suitable for a range of applications including browsing and streaming.

Are there any limitations or downsides to FWA?

The major limitation of FWA is its dependence on line-of-sight between the user's antenna and the base station. Obstacles like buildings or trees can disrupt the signal. Also, the quality of the connection can be affected by weather conditions, and in some cases, the bandwidth might be lower compared to wired connections.

Is FWA suitable for my business?

Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) is highly suitable for a wide range of businesses. It's a versatile internet solution that can be tailored to meet diverse business needs. Whether your business is in a remote location or an urban area, FWA provides reliable, high-speed internet connectivity. Its quick deployment and scalability make it ideal for businesses of all sizes. FWA can support various business operations including cloud computing, video conferencing, and online transactions. Its lower installation and maintenance costs compared to traditional wired internet make it a cost-effective choice. If your business requires dependable internet with the flexibility to scale as you grow, FWA could be an excellent option.

What is WaaS?

WaaS is Konnected Concepts' unique take on Fixed Wireless Access. It stands for "Wireless as a Service". Our solution differs by...

POTS Replacement

What is POTS?

POTS stands for Plain Old Telephone Service, the standard analog telephone system used globally for over a century. Operating over copper lines, it provides basic voice communication. While POTS is known for its reliability, it lacks the advanced features and higher efficiency of modern digital communication technologies like VoIP. As technology evolves, many are shifting to digital solutions for improved functionality and cost-effectiveness.

What is POTS Replacement?

POTS Replacement involves substituting traditional analog telephone lines with digital alternatives, such as VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), cellular, or fiber-optic technologies. This shift is driven by the aging infrastructure of copper lines and the increasing dominance of digital communication networks.

What is the FCC Mandate on POTS Replacement?

The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) has been encouraging the transition from POTS to modern telecommunications systems. This is part of a broader initiative to phase out aging analog networks in favor of more efficient, scalable, and feature-rich digital alternatives like VoIP and fiber optics. The mandate reflects the need for updated infrastructure to support current and future communication demands, ensuring better service quality, higher speeds, and improved connectivity across the United States.

What is POTSup™?

POTSup™ is short for POTS Upgrade. This is Konnected Concepts' unique solution for POTS Replacement. Our solution entails the following:...

Why is POTS Replacement necessary?

The necessity for POTS Replacement arises due to the outdated nature of the analog network, high maintenance costs, and limited functionality compared to digital solutions. Digital systems offer enhanced features like higher call quality, scalability, integration with other digital services, and overall cost-effectiveness.

What are the Benefits of Switching to a Digital Phone System?

Digital phone systems provide clearer voice quality, greater reliability, and a range of advanced features like voicemail to email, call forwarding, and integration with other business systems. They are also generally more cost-effective in the long run, offer easier scalability, and support remote working capabilities.

How Do Businesses Transition from POTS to Digital Solutions?

Transitioning involves evaluating current telephony needs, selecting an appropriate digital solution (like VoIP or fiber), and partnering with a reliable service provider for implementation. It may also require upgrading internal network infrastructure and ensuring staff are trained on the new system.

What Should Businesses Consider Before Replacing POTS?

Before replacing POTS, businesses should assess their communication needs, budget, and existing infrastructure. Considerations should include the reliability of the internet connection, compatibility with existing systems, potential downtime during transition, and the features offered by different digital solutions.

Managed Services

What are Managed Services in IT?

Managed Services in IT refer to the outsourcing of various technology management responsibilities to a third-party provider. These services aim to improve operations and reduce budgetary expenditures on IT. Managed Services can include a wide range of functions, from network management to software updates, cloud services, and cybersecurity.

What is Included in Installation Services?

Installation Services encompass setting up and configuring various IT systems and software. At Konnected Concepts, this includes installing hardware, software, and ensuring that all systems are configured for optimal performance and security. These services are tailored to meet specific business needs, ensuring a smooth technology deployment.

How Does End-Point Security Protect My Business?

End-Point Security involves protecting devices like computers, mobile phones, and tablets from cyber threats. This includes antivirus and antimalware protection, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and more. It is crucial for safeguarding sensitive business data and maintaining secure access to networks and applications.

What is Cloud Application Management?

Cloud Application Management involves overseeing and maintaining applications that are hosted on cloud platforms. This includes ensuring that these applications are available, performant, and secure. It also involves managing updates, backups, and user access, ensuring that cloud applications run efficiently and securely.

What is Disaster Recovery in Managed Services?

Disaster Recovery in Managed Services involves strategies and processes to recover data and restore IT infrastructure after a disaster, such as a cyberattack, natural disaster, or hardware failure. This includes data backup, recovery planning, and implementing systems that minimize downtime and data loss.

Why Should My Business Consider Managed Services?

Managed Services offer several benefits, including cost savings, access to the latest technology, expert support, and improved security. They allow businesses to focus on their core activities while leaving IT management to experts, ensuring efficiency and reducing the risk of IT-related disruptions.

How Do Managed Services Improve Operational Efficiency?

Managed Services improve operational efficiency by handling routine IT tasks, resolving issues quickly, and implementing best practices. This leads to reduced downtime, better performance, and allows internal teams to focus on strategic business goals rather than IT management.

Are Managed Services Cost-Effective?

Managed Services are often cost-effective as they help reduce the need for in-house IT staff, lower operational costs, and prevent expensive downtime. By providing regular maintenance and proactive support, managed services can lead to long-term savings and predictable budgeting for IT expenses.

How Customizable are Managed Services for Different Businesses?

Managed Services are highly customizable based on the specific needs and scale of a business. Providers like Konnected Concepts offer tailored solutions that align with business objectives, ensuring that the IT infrastructure supports and enhances business operations.

How Does a Business Transition to Managed Services?

Transitioning to Managed Services typically involves an initial assessment of the business's IT needs, followed by a strategic plan to integrate managed services. The service provider will then implement necessary systems, transfer responsibilities, and provide ongoing support and management.